valerie stokes writers of the world warren adler

Valerie Stokes

I am aged 80. I find that many of my friends are writing their life stories in order to give a better picture of their backgrounds for their adult children and hopefully their “grandies” to read and help them understand us “fuddy-duddies” and why we are as we are. We all have a story to tell–and even the hard times had their character-building aspect. You can’t appreciate the good till you taste the bad. Times and events and today’s changing advancing technology which we have struggled with–the experience of living through a depression and two world wars, the inevitable simple times, thrift, making do and searching our own way through the changing morals and affluence which rule our way of life today and knowing the satisfaction of the contentment of winning in harder times the well-earned love of one’s family which tops the lot for contentment and satisfaction. On balance–even the bad times were good. That is my inspiration in writing down my life story and perhaps this will be a springboard for my enjoyment of creating further works.


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