Authors of their own fortune

After Stephen King’s online experiments, Joel Rickett asks if publishers should fear author Websites From The Bookseller (UK), May 4, 2001 One year ago, many would have thought Mark Hogarth was set to make a fortune. As Stephen King’s experiment in online publishing, Riding The Bullet, grabbed headlines across the world, the Cambridge academic spotted […]

Visions & Voices

Subtext Interviews Novelist Warren Adler, April 25, 2001 Warren Adler has written 24 novels, including The War of The Roses and Random Hearts, which became hit movies. Major houses have published his books. His latest book, Mourning Glory, is scheduled to be released in August by Kensington Books. Adler has created a complete e-book and […]

Articles from Recent Publications

From March 30, 2001 — Lifetime Television is also considering a hourlong drama pilot called “Fiona” which is based on the Fiona Fitzgerald character, a blueblood-turned-urban police detective, created in a series of mystery books by Warren Adler. Ilana Bar-Din is the writer; Dan Blatt is exec producer. See more about From New […]

Action on “Fiona”

March 30, 2001 — Lifetime Television is also considering a hourlong drama pilot called “Fiona” which is based on the Fiona Fitzgerald character, a blueblood-turned-urban police detective, created in a series of mystery books by Warren Adler. Ilana Bar-Din is the writer; Dan Blatt is exec producer. See more about

Early Buzz About Mourning Glory

HE’S billing it as fiction, but the plot of the next book from best-selling author Warren Adler will seem like a documentary to the well-heeled residents of Palm Beach. Due in July, “Mourning Glory” is all about a broke but beautiful woman looking for a wealthy husband in the Florida enclave. Her spouse-hunting technique involves […]

Speech Delivered by Warren Adler

At the Public Library AssociationSpring Symposium in Chicago, March 2, 2001 Libraries have always been an important part of my life. My memory is vivid with wonderful images of walking through lines of pushcarts in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn to the lovely children’s library on Stone Avenue where I spent hours and hours searching […]

Power to the Author

Speech Delivered by Warren Adler at the NIST Convention in Washington D.C., September, 2000 A paper delivered by author Warren Adler, September 27th, 2000 at the Third Annual Electronic Book Conference and Show, Ronald Reagan Building, International Trade Center, Washington, D.C. In nearly three decades I have published twenty five fictional works, including twenty three […]