Read the Short Story “The Dividing Line” from NEW YORK ECHOES 1
/in Featured, Literary, BlogLavine was sitting in his East Side apartment reading the New York Times. From time to time he lifted his eyes to peer out the window, where across the street a glass-walled, spanking-new condominium was taking shape. His wife, Betsy, was sitting opposite reading the arts section of the Times. Occasionally she would glance upward […]
What if The Roses Had Taken Advantage of Quickie Divorces Online?
/in Media, BlogThe recent launch of It’s Over Easy sent a steady stream of emails my way with the following question: What does the author of The War of the Roses have to say about quickie divorces online? It’s Over Easy, launched by celebrity divorce attorney Laura Wasser, is the most recent online platform created to help […]
“Crime and Punishment” from Jackson Hole: Uneasy Eden
/in Literary, BlogClick here to read the short story “Crime and Punishment” from Warren Adler’s short story collection Jackson Hole: Uneasy Eden. Now on Audible!
The Watergate by Joseph Rodota: A Book Review from Warren Adler
/in Literary, BlogTo many, mentioning the word “Watergate” recalls a four-decade-old historical event that caused the downfall of the 37th American President, Richard Nixon. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of books have been written cataloging, commenting and analyzing this astounding hiccup in American national life. To others, especially those in the Washington area, it is an apartment, hotel and […]
Warren Adler’s Top 5 Picks for Books to Read this Valentine’s Day
/in Literary, BlogLove remains one of our greatest mysteries and one of my greatest sources of inspiration. What makes us fall in love? Why do we fall out of love? Why that person and not another? Fiction that captures love in all of its nuances and complexities is worth a read. Here are my top 5 picks […]
A Roman à Clef and its Aftermath
/in Literary, BlogA roman à clef is a French word that loosely defines a novel as a work of fiction based on real events and characters. It is not a precise definition, especially if it is based on contemporary events since present time blends into historical time at an ever-accelerating pace and distorts any attempt at authenticity. […]
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