George Clowers

I read something, a Frost poem perhaps, at the age of eleven, and thought, “I want to write something that affects others the way I was affected.” The music I heard at home and my mother and her sisters singing to her piano playing set off a desire to write what I was seeing and feeling. Little did […]

Elaine Viets

My grandpa was a master storyteller, a real raconteur. He’d tell his stories in a redbrick saloon on St. Louis’s south side, the city’s German-American neighborhood. Back then, saloons were working people’s clubs. The bartender-alderman, who knew more about sin than a priest, gave Grandpa this accolade: “He was a snappy dresser. Drank two beers […]

Natalia Leigh

When I don’t write, I feel a sort of loneliness seep into my life. It’s as if my characters and stories are always there in the back of my mind, reprimanding me for neglecting them. Writing allows me to chase dreams and go on adventures that aren’t possible in my everyday life. And I think […]

Francis Sparks

When I was eleven years old, I discovered a fantasy series by way of our library’s bookmobile that sparked my imagination like nothing I had read before. That series began my love affair with dragons, magic, flawed heroes, complex villains and most of all, books. I found solace in my books during the tough times […]

April Henry

I write for so many reasons.  First, I write because no one will pay me to read and eat Doritos, which would probably be the perfect job.  I write because I was once a teen who needed to escape into stories.  I grew up poor in a little town, but books showed me all different kinds of […]

Tara Ison

I began writing because I wanted to be a “Writer.” Not, initially, for the love of story or words or character, or the rich whiff of ink and paper, or the romantic conviction that I had anything of value to say, but because I became infatuated at an early age with the images of “Writers” […]

A.M. Madden

In 2014 a middle-aged mother of two got laid off after twenty-four years with the same retail company and was suddenly unemployed. At the same time, she was just finishing up her first book—which she started as a self-challenge. Suddenly, that book became so much more than a little project. She researched self-publishing, and released […]