Laura Hughes

To begin at the beginning is the best way isn’t it? And so, I start by describing myself and why I write; I write because I cannot imagine not writing. I have a million stories swimming around in my head and I have to slow down and try to organize them in order of priority. […]

Helen Barbour

From childhood, school reports noted my ‘voracious’ appetite for reading, but I only discovered my passion for writing in my early thirties. Newly separated from my husband, and seeking to rebuild my social life, I joined an evening class in creative writing at my local college – inspired by my short-lived career as a journalist. […]

Desiree Holt

The desire to write has been with me since I was old enough to read, but life and obligations got in my way until 2004. It didn’t stop my brain from creating, however, so by the time I sat down at my computers I had a file folder full of ideas. The process of taking […]

Valerie Stokes

I am aged 80. I find that many of my friends are writing their life stories in order to give a better picture of their backgrounds for their adult children and hopefully their “grandies” to read and help them understand us “fuddy-duddies” and why we are as we are. We all have a story to […]

Anita Vaughn

When I was in my teens I wrote poems that told stories. As a matter of fact, I still have them from all those years ago. Then I started writing because I lived in make-believe in my head how I wished my life would be, but it never turned out that way. So I started […]

Dan Holloway

Because metaphors are the knives that cut the belly of the beast, the hives fermenting honey out of life. Because every night I was alone with just a razor and despair to call my own a hundred strangers placed their pens upon my bones and held me while they made their dreams my home. Because […]

Alexis Donkin

Love. I write what I write because of love. I love people and want them to do better. I want them to be better. I know the power of stories because I was raised on them – a child of two ministers. My parents are excellent storytellers. This gift was handed down for generations on […]