Judi Blaze

I have always loved stories. I loved hearing them as a child and by the time I was 10, I loved writing them on my Tom Thumb typewriter. Words are an outlet and expression of our creativity, a voice that inspires us to write from the heart. Words are a powerful thing. As a journalist, […]

Xu Xi

I was an insomniac child and woke one morning at 4 am when I was 11, snuck out to the living room and gazed at the Hong Kong harbor by night.  This led to writing my first published piece, an essay about stillness and beauty, which appeared in the children’s section of the local English […]

Kate Breslin

My feelings have always been best expressed through the written word. I composed countless poems as a child then short stories in the classroom, while my diary entries spilled adolescent emotions onto the page. I even wrote song lyrics in the ‘80s while dabbling at playing the guitar. Writing was a path to my heart, […]

John Donaghue

I started writing Under Cardiac Arrest right around the time my father started wearing a batting helmet everyday. Fear of falling. My mother became obsessed with buying cereal. Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran, Wheaties, whatever was on sale. We had a garage full of the stuff. Being an only child, caring for my 80-something parents was […]

Ted Tayler

I enjoy communicating with people. If it’s verbally, face to face, then that’s fine and I enjoy that too; however, I can reach more people with the written word and long after I’m gone the books I’ve managed to get finished will be available, somewhere for anyone who wishes to read them. I don’t have […]

Joel Fried

I hated being caged up, our cramped apartment, too much family, too little space. I escaped to the library, reading everything that wasn’t history or biography. Reading led to writing. I started with short Sci-fi stories. I wrote in spite of F/A grades: F for grammar & spelling, A for content/originality. I wrote in the […]

Lee M. Phillips

Growing up, I was always the shy girl daydreaming in the back of the classroom. I was more content to live inside my own head rather than let others in. My mother had no idea what she’d created when she first told me, ‘You should write these things down!’ I’ve wanted to be a writer […]