Janet B Taylor warren adler writers of the world

Janet B Taylor

Why do I write? Well see, I come from a family full of southern women with big hair and even bigger mouths. And man, do we love to tell stories. One day a few years ago, I had a shower epiphany. ‘What if I tried to write down some of these stories rolling around in my head?’ I mean, no matter how much people love you, eventually they get tired of hearing you blather on. But the page…the page never sighs or rolls its eyes when you retell a story for the seventeenth time. Once I got started, I couldn’t stop. And the next thing I knew, I had an agent and a 2 book deal and bam! Bob’s your uncle. The ability to tell a good story is inherent, I think, though it’s important to hone the craft part of things. But if you can call upon your storytelling ‘genes’ and get someone to pay you to do it…that’s just frosting on my grandmother’s famous lemon cake, isn’t it? Wait. Have I told ya’ll the story about how she came up with that recipe? Hang on to your hats, then. It’s a doozy…
